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Speculative application

Bottleneck factor HR - recruiting in times of crisis

HR departments are currently under high pressure. According to Handelsblatt, 93% more HR positions are vacant than before Corona, putting companies' growth plans at risk. Learn more about these particular challenges and how we can help you solve them!

ompanies are desperately seeking reinforcements for their HR teams. There is currently a shortage of personnel officers, HR business partners, and also executive positions in HR - from HR manager to CHRO. Handelsblatt reported in spring that 93% more HR positions are vacant than before Corona, jeopardizing companies' growth plans.

Yet HR departments are under particularly high pressure. In times of the pandemic, HR managers and their teams have had to focus heavily on internal organization. At the same time, there is a mandate from management to fill vacancies (of which there are quite a few) quickly - and this in times of a shortage of skilled workers and unfavorable demographic trends. And: companies invested too little in their HR departments before the pandemic!

Yet the demands placed on HR executives depend heavily on the maturity of the organization. Often, mid-sized companies are looking for generalists who can provide operational support to their team and further qualify HR employees in active collaboration. In the upper midmarket with a developed HR organization, strategic and international experience is much more in demand. The focus is then on the so-called people-based HR strategy, which sees employees and applicants as customers of the HR department. It should put people in the center and ensure a positive employee journey and candidate experience.

etec has filled numerous HR leadership positions with our clients - from HR Director to CHRO. Do you need the brains to align your HR with the future and take the HR team with you on this Journey? Let's talk about your needs!